I invested £1000 in R2, which gave me founding member status. Does this entitle me to free alpha for life/ free ISA? I though it did
I’m getting asked to pay £3 for December
Haven’t had a response from Live chat
I invested £1000 in R2, which gave me founding member status. Does this entitle me to free alpha for life/ free ISA? I though it did
I’m getting asked to pay £3 for December
Haven’t had a response from Live chat
I got the same message, but it was in error - if you have free alpha for life it includes ISA too
£1000 gives you alpha for free for 3 months:
FT is going to roll out the alpha early next year and then you will have your 3 months of ISA for free.
Alpha free for life only applied to people who invested £25k or more.
Nope - R2 investors of £1k+ got free alpha for life
It was £1k in rounds 1 and 2, £5k in round 3, £25k in rounds 4 and 5.
That’s what I thought although the wording doesn’t actually say Alpha, it says premium trades for free.
I’ve got a notification saying payment is due. anyone else who put £1000 in at R2 getting that?
I got it in round 3 and yes, got the notification saying it’d be £3/month from December and they said on the forum that was a mistake and I won’t be charged.
I got same notice last month, contacted support and they said it had been sent in error and my free trading for life also covered ISA
Hi @Dave - thanks for reaching out. Hopefully this FAQ about Crowdcube rewards clarifies the situation for you: Crowdcube Rewards | Support
You are indeed entitled to Alpha for life which includes a free ISA subscription. Please accept our apologies for any communications you may have received which suggested otherwise. We are aware of an issue which led to some Alpha for life users being sent a reminder about inputting payment details, but you’re not expected to do so and neither will you be charged.
I hope that helps - please let me know if you’ve got any other questions!