Not responding to email

Freetrade team is not responding to my emails, and not giving me any update for money transferred that never got into the platform and was not sent back to my bank account either ! No update on how to fix this problem too - I am not able to send money from my linked bank account, while I am on a standard plan.

Hi @jblaterreur

Sorry to hear about this experience. I’ve flagged this with the customer service team to investigate and get back to you.


Thank you - I am waiting for a sign of the team. Last time I heard from the team was Wednesday and no answer since then.

Morning @jblaterreur I just heard from the team that the deposit has been applied to your account. Your bank doesn’t include as default an account holder name when transfers are made from that type of account. We’ve updated the details on our side so there shouldn’t be a delay for future top ups.


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