Persimmon - PSN - Share chat

This property developer builds homes across the UK under their different brands.

Nice dividend and rising share prices; surprised there’s no comments on here yet…anyone have an opinion on this one?

I’ve got a position in them. I really like them with the ever increasing housing demand and they pay a solid div

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Because this isn’t GME, Cannabis or SPACs.

On a serious note, this is a rock solid stock at this point in time with everything going for them - Buy to help, stamp duty holiday, 95% mortgage guarantee etc.

  • Growing revenue YOY *with exception in 2020 as expected
  • Increase in profit YOY
  • Debt free and surplus cash
  • Overall Analyst consensus is Buy to Strong Buy
  • Recent Director / CEO insider buying - always a good sign


  • The macro picture, however, is the housing bubble will burst at some point

  • political changes

  • Cladding and associated legal issues


I’m quite liking this stock. Bought it a few weeks ago and it has done me well so far. Actually quite like the lack of discussion around it - it’s a low maintenance stock that I don’t have to check daily. My only regret was not buying more.


Thanks for the reply’s, newbie here so this really helps :+1:t3:

Trying to build a nice balanced portfolio and not get caught up in the get rich quick or loose my values games!

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Missed the ex-d date :frowning: . Would be great to be able to see this in the app.

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They’ve been a value buy for a while I think. When I was looking into stocks in February they were one of the more recommended ones.

There’s discussion of them over in the housing/property thread.

They should be an easy bet in theory because they’re used by governments/councils to build affordable housing in Wales at the moment, which doesn’t look like changing.

The downsides is their somewhat mixed to terrible reputation for the quality of the houses, but as mentioned in the property thread, unless the governments pull out or the quality becomes bad enough to cause a nationwide scandal bigger than what the current media reports, most investors don’t seem to care and it shouldn’t do their pricing any harm.

DYOR though.

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It already is. Been building my position since March last year when it was good value. SP has risen a bit recently and its one of my best dividend stocks as well. Only issue is the worrying reports about some of the build quality on their projects as @RobOda has mentioned.

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I can see the yield, but not the Ex-dividend date. Is this in a beta build or something?

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At the moment Freetrade doesn’t show information such as Ex-dividend dates so you’d have to look it up on external sites or their investor pages?
I use Yahoo finance.


Dividendmax allows 20 companies worth of free notifications and you can also see the payment history and ex dividend dates


Cheers for that link :+1: I got a mixed portfolio but that’s well handy for the dividends on my list!


Nice, that’s handy!

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According to dividendmax, persimmon are paying a 110p dividend july 22, payment date mid aug.


Ex date coming up!

They’re tanking at the moment though… Whether to hold ln for the dividend, or get out now?

Will I get any dividends in March if I buy some shares this month?

Providing they declare and you hold shares on 10th March (if the screenshot above is right) you will receive a dividend payment on the pay date.