Hi Victor
If am right in the last Adam’s AMA it was told that plus account will be active in the month and still not happened.
Any update about plus account.
Hi Victor
If am right in the last Adam’s AMA it was told that plus account will be active in the month and still not happened.
Any update about plus account.
I do recall that too. And that more details would be provided in the pitch deck but I think for various reasons there weren’t any additional bits in the deck.
Would be good to hear more.
I thought it was said in Summer (but they knew people would jump on the 1st July as the first day of summer!)
Hopefully not too long either way before details come out
We actually have our first real Plus accounts going already (employees only at this stage). Next up will be our crowdfunding investors that earned the ‘Alpha for life’ reward, to help us test it before shipping to the rest of the community.
Very exciting team :freetrade:
Will beta testing be open to all those eligible investors, or will you phase testing? And finally, any sneaky teasers planned?
Hi Adam,
It’s been a month since you last updated.
I am wondering if you have any update regarding plus account?
After reading the new T&C, I’m going to say we see the plus account around the 10th August.
Looks like it will defiantly have free ISA and triggered ordered…
The T&Cs and Execution Policy mention both triggered orders and limit orders but they sound the same. I wonder if that’s a mistake.
“That means you will become liable for any fees that you would have had to pay us as a non-Plus user during that period, and you hereby irrevocably authorise us to deduct all such fees from your Available Funds.”
I really hope this means reduced/removed FX fees with Plus. I’m not sure what other fees you could incur during the time.
If isa is in plus and you stop plus then they’ll still charge you for ISA. That’s what I read
Me too. I’m not immediately inferring any other fees.
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