I’ve recently picked up some ETFs that trade in £.
I’ve posted this because i’ve had to use another broker to get an accurate price, in one instance £LQQ3 took almost 20 minutes to reflect the live price on another brokers website.
Is this normal for a subscription customer?
A few seconds you’d be willing to tolerate, but a delay without specifically of being informed doesn’t fill me with confidence when dealing with my positions.
If you are too concerned about the spreads and accuracy in price you should use another tool before making the purchase.
However, depending on your investment style, for example, if you are a long term investor and consider holding your position for the long term, the cycle of your purchase is more important than timing the purchase by the minute or even hour.
For most ETFs the price delay is around 15 minutes. This is usaually the same time delay on most brokers.
For lower volume stocks or etfs (in this case an ETP) the price movement doesn’t get as easily refelected evey 15 minutes.
I should add Freetrade could pay extra for realtime data, but I am sure they have weighed up the cost/benifit of it and found it would cost them more than what they would bring in.
The price can only update if there are trades, LQQ3 appears to be a low volume ETF
The below shows the latest trades for LQQ3, the last updated price on the Freetrade app as of 15:40 is currently 14:30:38, as such this is the correct data and not a bug
EDIT - It also confirms that at 12:19 as shown on your screenshot the last trade was at around 10:31
I guess it can be said there is some ambiguity with regards to the wording on the “Price shown is the market price …” and the date time being the last trade
But I’d say this is overridden by the last refreshed on device date time
The price you’re seeing on HL is the bid/offer, that’s not necessarily reflective of the actual last price the share traded at.
Freetrade uses the last actual trade price, HL is showing you the bid/offer price, not the last trading price.
As was also mentioned by woodyblade, it’s not slow to update. it updated correctly within the timelines specified and was accurate when it updated. As with the above screen shot, you’ve been given two examples now showing the price is accurate.
The issue isn’t the price, the issue seems to be that you’re confusing the numbers you’re seeing for the wrong things.