Can we add Nemetschek to our list.
Nemetschek (NEM) is the parent company of Maxon, who create Cinema 4D a 3D modelling and animation software.
Over the last few years Maxon has acquired some of the most influential software companies in the image creation industry. To name a few Redshift renderer, Red giant and most recently Z Brush.
This company is a leader in the 3D animation space and has stood the test of time. Its innovative and always adding value to its user base.
I’m a user of these tools
Very interesting company 
Please add
Welcome! You’ve got my vote. Remember to vote for your own request too. It’s probably best to request the German listing, NEM, rather than the London one as it’s more liquid and more likely to be added.
Thanks for the tip, i’ve changed the ticker symbol.
How many votes are needed to be accepted?
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I don’t think there is a set threshold. If I really wanted to invest in Nemetschek, I wouldn’t wait for FT to add it as it may be a while. This is why I use multiple brokers: I could buy NEM with T212 or IBKR today.
Ah ok, good tip. And on your other broker accounts do you invest using a S&S ISA like you can in FT?
Or do you just use a GIA account?
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I do have various tax-sheltered accounts with HL but I only buy ETFs and trusts in those. I use a few GIAs for individual stocks as I’m unlikely to use up my annual capital gains and dividend allowances.
I try not to be wedded to any one broker as they all have pluses and minuses.
For example, IBKR is uber cheap for US stocks if you’re placing relatively big orders and it offers multi-currency accounts. But for smaller orders for EU stocks, I’ll use T212 as it usually works out cheaper.
FT has its advantages too – execution is much better for stocks on certain segments of the AIM market.
As another example, I’m interested in a Finnish company called Kone. I can access the OTC listing via T212 or IBKR but I’d rather buy the one on the Helsinki exchange. FT allows me to do this.
Getting back on topic, I really like the look of Nemetschek. It’s a relatively rare beast in terms of it being a growing software company, with a solid balance sheet, that makes a high return on capital.
Unfortunately, I don’t have enough cash to go around right now but it’s definitely one for the watchlist.
Yes I agree Nemetschek is definitely one to watch, I use the tools from the Maxon range to create 3D imagery for many years now, Maxon and very innovate and the tool are easy to use as an artist. They are growing and developing every year. I’ve only recently considered investing in them as i’m getting started in this investment area, i think its good to invest in what you know and use. Was happily surprised to see their balance sheet.
Thats a good shout i’ll check out TD212 and IBKR as i’ll want to but some share in Nemetschek fairly soon