Sectors in Discover ๐Ÿงฑ ๐ŸšŒ ๐Ÿ’Š

Iโ€™m on Android but I checked and donโ€™t have any pending updates. Iโ€™m on version 1.0.4756 if that helps anyone.

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Small bit of feedback from some cobbwebby old generation X eyes: the contrast on the sectors with the biscuit (eg finance) and teal (eg consumer goods) colour decoration is pretty low and hard to read.

Glad to see the a stock can belong to multiple sectors :white_check_mark:

Donโ€™t know if this has been said already: but I think the space between the text and the icon is unnecessarily large. Or are there plans to fill the gap?

Edit: also think the sectors should go at the top. And the tech titans section is less relevant. Maybe something that could exist within the tech sector

I quite like it. Makes it seem more like a card and stands out more for new users from a UX standpoint

Definitely high up on our to do list, yes!

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Iโ€™ll drop you a DM and we can check it out.

Also, when you click into a stock and you can see the tags it has been applied with, it would be good if these were clickable to then take you to the sector?


Saw this has launched. Feels a bit strange being below ETFs. I would reorder:

Newly added
Popular stocks
Popular ETFs
Delete Tech Titans


Or put tech Titianโ€™s within the tech sector


You should add an Aerospace & Defence category. Include Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon etc. Would make more sense.


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