Shareholder perks

Is that a thing?

nominee information is here Keeping your money safe

To claim a share holder perk that Freetrade won’t/can’t do themselves, the company say:
“we will need to see the name of your nominee as that does not appear on the statement.”

So that’s what I am looking for.

Thank you.

You should message freetrade. None of my brokers have the name of the nominee on statements so I’ve not heard of it before. Maybe freetrade can give you something on letterhead, but they don’t really have any good office document functionality directly available

Free trade does not use the same nominee for everything so they’d be the only ones who know which one you’re shares are held by.

Would like to know the answer to this. Also do free trade contact restaurant group to obtain the vouchers or do we contact them directly?

This thread is a bit old, but no doubt people will still be googling this, as I did.
SOLUTION found for getting the Whitbread shareholder benefit card.

For those who hold the required amount of Witbread through FreeTrade, and would like to get a Shareholder Benefit card, the following steps successfully resulted in a card being in the post on its way to me. Whitbread on their website states that if its a nominee account, you have to contact them (FreeTrade) for the card, however FT said that this is not a perk they currently administer, but they can provide a custodian letter with which you can attempt to get the card from Whitbread direct.
More info here: Shareholder benefits - Whitbread PLC

  1. You must already qualify for the card, by having the required number of shares in Whitbread (Currently thats 64).
  2. Email and tell them that you are wanting to apply for the card, but understand that all FreeTrade is not set up for this currently, and that all you want FreeTrade to do is provide a custodian letter which basically confirms how many shares you have of Whitbread.
  3. Wait for the email from FreeTrade with the PDF and password to open the file.
  4. Forward this email to and tell them:-
  • You hold X amount of shares which you believe makes you eligible for the Shareholder Benefit Card, but that these are held in a nominee account who has provided proof that you hold these in the attached PDF, and thus would they be able to issue the card to you.
  • Make sure the PDF is attached :slight_smile:
  • I also provided my address in the same email, so that they did not have to delay if they did indeed agree to send a card, but remember, its confidential info and email is unencrypted, thus not secure and can be read by others along the way.
  • And don’t forget to find a way to securely tell them the password to the PDF if FreeTrade or yourself decides to encrypt it.
  1. Wait for them to reply, which for me they did and said it was on its way.

This is just a tip and might not work for you, it just worked for me, and I’m sharing my experience. Also, you might want to find more secure ways of sharing the info. Good luck!


Great info. You should add it to the share chat thread as well

I got fed up with waiting for freetrade to sort out the shareholder perks page and administration of them and brought whitbred shares with HL. A one off fee yes, but automatically get the card in the post every year now. Couldn’t be a better service. HL definitely worth considering for shareholder perks to avoid all the faff.