Shareholders perks

Well it made me laugh :+1: I hadn’t seen that kind of link to google before and genuinely thought it was some kind of site with all the info in one place :man_facepalming: :joy:

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I used Hargreaves lansdown to find some other ones. But yes, should be updated on freetrade, like if the company asks for evidence what do we do? Email freetrade?


Email them a screenshot of the contract note. I did this with Marstons a while ago.

Doesn’t apply to all companies as some need the broker/nominee to initiate the request.

It is just a PR blunder from FT. It is free benefits to FT clients so should be a win win for all as people would still mentally link the benefits to their FT account :+1: They should either delete the old list or update it when they post new stocks which should be very simple or when people announce new benefits. Nothing worse than a half-assed policy :joy:


Anyone know if shareholder perks are available from shares within SIPPs?

Shares are shares as far as I’m concerned. It would depend on the company though as to whether they accept shares held in nominee.

@Freetrade_Team hello Sam any thoughts on shareholder perks?

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Every company has different rules on perks for their shareholders. Typically you only have to show proof of your holding which you can get from the app, the type of account is not likely to be a problem. There are, however, no universal rules so checking with the individual companies is probably the best course of action.

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