Sign up to Capdesk Email

Good morning,
did anyone else receive this email from Capdesk:

โ€œHi Fred,

Please sign up to Capdesk and accept your shares issued to you by Freetrade Limited. This allows you to view and track your holdings on the platform.โ€

I am not sure if itโ€™s spam or an actual platform to view Freetrade shares I bought in R5.



Hi Fred

This is a legitimate email, more info below.

Hi Sam,
very good then, I will take a look.


I made it to log into CapDesk and I can see my shares which is great.

I can see FT uses it to manage shareholdings of investors. However, from the point of view of the investor, what are we meant to use it for? Iยดve been exploring my account and I cannot see anything else beyond the amount I invested.

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