Capdesk email

Anyone else had this email? is it Legit? Asking because I’ve never heard of capdesk and never seen it mentioned on here


It’s legit


Never mind. I thought it originated from capdesk, but seem to be from Adam


I can’t sign up to it though, the page errors and throws me out

It is legit indeed! Adam might share more details, but in general, it will host our shareholder register going forward.

Capdesk will allow you greater visibility on your shareholding and we’ll slowly be turning on features such as the ability to give shareholder updates through the platform. I think the most requested feature is the Docusign integration, so future resolutions, transfer forms etc can be signed digitally rather than the current print, sign and scan process.

We’ll check out the error. :+1:


So Capdesk looks lovely - but is buggy as hell. Keeps erroring at random places :frowning:

Getting this error when I’m signing up


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Yeah that’s what I get

Same errors for me too when loading any of the pages. Already had an account because noveltea also use it and they raised via crowdcube a while ago so I put a little in.

Got the same error when first tried to sign up.

Managed to go through in the second attempt. Just accepted the cookies before hitting the sign up button

I got this error too, I think it was my password length - I had a 20+ char password then changed it to a 12 char password and it worked.

I tried shortening my password, but still the same for me. I also tried a different browser. Probably just problems on their end

I’ve not been invited. I feel so left out! :rofl:

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Was the email sent to people who invested in R1-3?

I’d imagine so as the last round hasn’t been totally completed yet ie we haven’t got our share certificates

That’s right, the new share certificates still need to be issued next week. New shareholders will get an invite to Capdesk then.


When will my status on community profile change ?technically you have got all the new shareholders list, who already paid. So I would have thought it can be done now…

It is stable now after a buggy run.

Worked for me. I think its great to be getting some more formality and structure. If only the other companies I had crowdfunded would do the same…

I’m in now, still getting the occasional error, but it works