Taylor Wimpey - TW - Share Chat

My average for TW is 105 from which it dropped to 88p. I also bought at 90. As a result I made more than the tax allowance on this dividend alone, every cloud.

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Very nice! Congrats, mate. Watch out for the decreasing allowances moving forward though. The government’s less generous.

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Thx. I meant to say it was the new (1k) limit I exceeded in TW. I am a swing trader, so I have had to hold the 105p shares for much longer than usual. Clearly misread the market sentiment on this one. the divis were a nice reward for patience.


Demand for homes picks up at Taylor Wimpey sites


Divi day :partying_face:


Got yours yet Pazza ? I just received £39.56

FT doing what it should.

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Yes got mine buddy, notification and email :+1:t3:. Will re invest, rinse and repeat!

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Divi due today :raised_hands:t3: - £25.24 to reinvest.

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Any reason the SP has dropped?

All developers took a beating after Persimmon news.

Persimmon - PSN - Share chat - #206 by NeilB

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My only thought is will this fall further or should I average down now

Tricky year ahead but margins are going to start to improve but only slowly. The market the most profitable homes, larger detached properties remains softer than ideal. Sub £1 is a bargain if you’re willing to sit tight, watch out for a dividend cut though - announcement in late Feb.