Technology Minerals - TM1 - Share Chat

My app is broken. We have good news and the price is up. Tried turning phone upside down which half cured the issue graph now trending down but colour is still wrong. :scream:


All fixed now.

Good news drop just delayed.


Yup balance has been restored


good :+1:t3: I’m still Red just now :pensive:

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Was alittle bit an tm1 on this sundays sunday roast. Dont know how to get the link in. Its about 47mins in.
Wasnt anything we didnt know but nice listen

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TM1 starts at the 48 minute mark.


Another drop this morning, be nice if it sat in the green for a bit tbh

Technology Minerals - Holdings in the Company/PDMR #TM1 Technology Minerals - Holdings in the Company/PDMR - Vox Markets #voxmarkets

Is this good or is it bad? Who knows, I don’t.

Sale of shares by a large shareholder century cobalt. Alex stanbury is director of century cobalt. He also holds the largest number of shares in recyclus.


I can only think of 2 logical reasons for the current TM share price.

  1. they know in the future it’s going to increase rapidly so are dropping the sp so there investor mates can get in on the action.

  2. they know it’s not going to work for whatever reason and so are getting out with what they can

Personally I think (and hope) it’s number 1.

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Its a growth stock in this environment its always going to be like this until the company starts to ramp up productivity and make money but even then any money they make will go back in to make it grow even bigger!!

Lots of investors see it as to risky to invest as borrowing etc is going to be more expensive can the company afford it!! Hence the cheap price


Ok, that adds a bit of confidence in my mind.

1.30… lowest for the last month. Shame that all the gains seem to have been eroded.

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Does anyone know why they would be rejecting orders?


Technology Minerals - Remote Sensing and Structural Study at Leinster #TM1 Technology Minerals - Remote Sensing and Structural Study at Leinster - Vox Markets #voxmarkets

Big jump today. Which is nice

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I guess this is the reason for the jump.
2p by the end of the month ?

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