Tesco - TSCO - Share Chat

Yeah but it’s very frustrating to know the money is in there without actually knowing and then you go and spend the money unknowingly and then wonder why the balance hasn’t changed

Same issue with HSBC arriving today and still waiting for BP all due last Friday

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Does Tesco qualify in a small part as a telecommunications company due to Tesco Mobile? With five million mobile customers should Tesco have the Telco badge next to Food & Drink one? Just wondering. :thinking:

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Appears to be a private joint venture between Tesco and Virgin Media O2, split 50/50 - TESCO MOBILE LIMITED overview - Find and update company information - GOV.UK

No idea if it actually gets reported as part of either companies profit (maybe it does, I’ve not looked) but in any case the telecoms bit is an entirely separate company to Tesco itself;


Thanks for the explanation! That was an interesting read.

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Who else is riding this one ?

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Me …


Me too. :shopping_cart:


Happy tescos cake day for you Louise :slight_smile:


Happy :cake: :+1:


Tesco parks its vans on Ocado’s lawn with online grocery venture

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Would be nice to see this get finally over £3.70 this week.

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How far are we thinking this might get to?

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Not sure. Would be happy if it can hold this for the next 3 years.


Dividend tomorrow. Where is everyone putting theirs ?

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How do the dividends work? Will it be added to my free trade wallet as a cash value?

This is how they look.

Anyone else getting itchy sell fingers ??

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