Testing Freetrade ISAs 🙋‍♀️

:+1: the onboarding screenshot you shared earlier looks cool, you can tell a lot of thought has gone into it so far. I look forward to what’s to come.

Ok this is a huge one, it has only just occurred to me to check and I’m glad I did.


Your unique reference will change for your ISA for cash top ups! I just looked at mine and it is different, I assume this is because your money goes into a different pot.

If you have any standing orders set up or when you transfer cash into your ISA etc then remember this. If you accidentally type in the old number for you gia then I’m not sure where the money will go at this time (I assume to your gia pot but as you can’t see that it might freak some people out)

I think Freetrade should make this clear on the ISA set up and I will drop them a message to inform them.


Wow thanks for pointing this out, I hadn’t spotted it changed because it starts with the same letters and Monzo populates the payment drop-down field with the previous one.


Or maybe, since freetrade appear to be doing this manually anyway, they should just accept either ref for the ISA of a customer who has made the transition, so that money always goes to the right place.

I’m hoping freetrade can automate this transfer by ref at some point soon - it’s kind of painful having to wait for money to appear if you decide to invest in something, transfer money, then have to wait.


I got a response from Freetrade saying they are indeed planning something like this, where either reference works - but I don’t know the details of that so we will have to wait and see.

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Really smooth sign up, just a couple of statements to confirm and that’s it. Nice and clean and easy to understand.

Totally agree about the reference, if it hadn’t been said here I wouldn’t have gone looking to see. Needs to be made obvious somewhere.

Portfolio graph, is it necessary to have 0, +0 and -0? :grin:



Old Testing ISA thread. Freetrade ISA has been operational some years now.