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They’ve never worked out how to develop or monetise the platform. It’s almost the same as it was 5 years ago, and to think they shut down Vine which was basically TikTok.

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I never understood the ending of Vine, seemed very odd as it had some good content of comedy etc. It seems the dance focus really won it for Ticktock but TBH I have never looked at that so don’t really know :rofl:

Fair play to Jack Dorsey for not going after the blatant monetising aspects as I am sure he knows how to but chooses to keep it fairly opinion based only. Mind you he has made a tonne out of it.

Messages from Twitter’s new CEO and old CEO


What will Prof G talk about now that twitter has a full time CEO?!

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Google, Microsoft and Twitter all led by people from India. Pretty cool to see.

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LOL, does that mean everyone is in agreement he was a complete idiot?

All rich dudes are!

Nah, Elon Musk is awesome

This guy!

I think that given the space that Twitter have in global communication and discourse it has been broadly stale for many years and looking at other tech / social companies it’s massively underperformed.

Hopefully the new CEO will be able to bring his product chops improve the platform.

  • Edit tweets
  • Charge high follower count
  • Swipe the a chunk of the Pateron, OnlyFan & Sub stack market cap by allowing people to monetise their following
  • Charge for bots and make them register to a code of conduct - boom hate would drop over night.

More revenue means more engineers and more products.

$1000 invested in Facebook on the day of the Twitter IPO would be worth nearly $8000 while twitter … $1100.


It’s phenomenal value, wouldn’t surprise me if he’ll just dump it quietly after the Tesla Bros buy it up.


Elon has unlocked an unlimited wealth hack. All he has to do is buy something and it will automatically pump.

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Yeah, classic preferential attachment. Once you’re rich, it’s easy to get much richer.
Same goes for Buffet buying something.

Better this way than Elon using Twitter to pump and dump crypto :smiley:

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Now he can use Twitter to pump and dump Twitter.

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Classic pump and dump!

It’s this stat which I’d also heard elsewhere which made me invest in Twitter. Of course, I wish I’d done it last week instead of today! I had planned to do it with my LISA allowance before the end of the tax year so shitty timing from Mr Musk making an announcement before I’d pulled the trigger… git!

I see Elon’s stake is passive but I hope it lights a fire under the new CEO. A change of CEO at Microsoft from Balmer to Nadella brought about huge change for the company.

I’m hoping this kind of backing gives Twitter’s CEO the confidence to do something equally impressive


The concern with the new CEO would be that he was CTO for a good while and with part time boss he should have been pushing through product development.

I wonder where Elon brought 9.2% from, Jack?

I think it’s very doubtful that this will produce any positive change. Twitter has suffered from weak leadership, absolutely, and that weak leadership has made it difficult for Twitter to execute in any meaningful way, but what Twitter has done in spite of weak leadership is antithetical to what Elon Musk represents. If Elon Musk was to drive any change at Twitter, it would be fighting against the goals of Twitter employees, and that’s not a recipe for success.

Twitter is a very cliche liberal, bay area company with a significant contingent of employees who sincerely believe that content moderation etc. is a very important part of running a platform like Twitter. Elon Musk isn’t going to change those attitudes as a passive investor. The only prospect of Elon Musk bringing about any change that he views as positive is by taking majority ownership, installing his own leadership and culling huge swathes of employees.

Ultimately, stock price is a product of market sentiment and retail investors love Elon Musk so I won’t make sweeping statements about the impact this will have on stock price, Elon Musk could pump the price of soggy toilet paper, but I will say that, from a community perspective, I do not see a way that this is beneficial to the long term health of Twitter.

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