True should probably be in another thread, just cause we are talking Freetrade raise I saw a synergy.
My reason for the increase is purely speculation but to have seen zero movement in valuation with double customers after a year just seems off and a major step back. Yes coroner virus is a big hit of course, but Monzo are now valued at 2018 levels?
I feel to raise price after can scare people. It might be smarter to charge £9.99 and offer all the features necessary over time to justify the amount. I don’t know maybe I’m just very forward looking and I’m always looking at how business and customers can both benefit in every case or transaction. There’s a reason why I decided to grow my portfolio with freetrade in relation to other platform. its a transparency and value I understand even if I have to pay £36 yearly. If another platform one day decide that they’re not making enough money on their gambling side of the business they can turn around and start charging unnecessary fees or I incurred penalties when I want to withdraw my money or close my account. I ain’t got time for that.
I would think the cheaper is the current £3 a month option. I feel ft is anticipated future pattern of its customers on how they will grow their portfolio. They’re not closing the free account and ISA and telling everyone they must pay £9.99. It’s simply more of a choice for certain investors who may want different capabilities in building their portfolio over time will pay the premium. Once it’s release I guess everyone will decide if it’s right for them now or more down the line.
With FX commission now a revenue source, this gives FT flexibility in bundling reduced or even free FX commission trades into FT plus. I think this would make FT plus very attractive because it surely will entice many of the bigger investors, and even more attractive after the European rollouts.
Just had a look and the premium pricing was always intended to be £9.99 a month so fake info there from me. I might also have been wrong about SIPPs being included. Here’s the 2018 pricing.
Good for putting this up but this is obviously out of date given that instant trades are now free for UK and US stocks and the Forex fee is 0.45%.
From a prospective investment standpoint I was really hoping that we would learn about this before the Crowdcube pitch went live, but given the we are at ~£6.4M out of the £7M funding cap it looks like we may not have any new info until the round actually closes. I have no idea how reliant Freetrade’s revenue projections are going to be on a successful Plus uptake and without knowing what the product entails I cant make my own assessment of whether or not I think it will work out…
For me the main selling point of Alpha was going to be free instant trades. Interested to know what will be in it now. I don’t think there’s much point speculating about it now though. Wait and see.
I don’t know what would freetrade do but below is what I would like to see in premium account. I believe below will be key to freetrade going next level( Unicorn ). I already hold ISA account with freetrade but I also have SIPP for which currently I pay £29.99 per month for services , £3.99 per trade.
Order screen with price - In other providers you get window of few seconds with price displayed. Sometimes price may change even within this window and trade doesn’t go through if that happens but still very helpful specially for trades where spreads are high
Stock Universe - Just provide all stocks including AIM for US & UK Market. Leave it to individual whether they want to buy certain stocks or not. If Freetrade would like to help new persons investing stocks, they can provide categorisation or some kind of risk indicator.
FX - Provide multi currency basket where money can be converted and hold in different currency
SIPP - Provide SIPP pension along with multi account provision(ISA, normal trading account, etc)
I guess they can take more pledges but only actually collect £7m. Since you can still pull out, if it stopped at exactly £7m they could end up with less.
I remember one of the rounds they gave some people the opportunity to get in because of people pulling out and they still could maximise their eis. Of course not everyone will be eligible for eis either. There has been som discussion on crowdcube from foreign investors too but I’m not 100% sure if the £7m cap is an EU limit for eis tax purposes or other EU limit rules?
The limit is about how much you can raise from crowdfunding without a prospectus, not EIS. FT already confirmed that all of this round will be eligible for EIS.
I’ve actually read that somewhere before and have conveniently forgot that thanks for sharing again. Presumably they have a clever algorithm that automatically calculates the amount of people that may pull out and thus allow a higher number than £7m to pledge in the first place.
And not like an old Christmas do I went to where the MD had forgotten to put a limit on the bar and when I woke up for breakfast there was a couple of people still having a drink, one of which was asleep next to the duck pond.