Adam has stated in one of the update answers that the limit is actually 8m euro. The exchange rate move has made that a bit more than 7m Sterling now. (Plus the allowance for dropouts point) … but great raise
Edit. And to be clear the euro 8m is the Regulatory limit for raise without a prospectus
To add to this, I remember seeing a post from Adam on how much you needed to invest this round to prevent dilution. A nice and round 5% was assumed in that equation.
The 5% equals a £7.368mm raise:
X= 5%(140+X)
=> X=7.368
Impressive, congrats Freetrade on the execution and success of the campaign. Thanks for answering all questions and being so transparent with your users and shareholders
Congratulations, team. A well deserved achievement.
So it looks like dilution is slightly less than 5% (4.83%)? Can anybody clarify please? I’m trying to calculate how much I own from a previous round in combination with this round.
I would also like to know the number of investors from previous rounds if anybody has them.
On the EIS stuff, yes, we are a ‘Knowledge Intensive Business’, which means we have a higher annual and lifetime limit for EIS. The key criteria is that we spend a lot on R&D.