What happens if I change my linked bank account?

Just tried again and it’s working again so I would give it another go.
The shares in wanted dropped so even better!

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I linked my bank account with different name hence not working. i deposited money which have not come to my profile yet. How much time will it take to be refunded?

How can I change the bank linking??

We can’t help you with things like that here. Especially as your forum account isn’t linked to your :freetrade: account. Use the in-app support system.

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You’ll have to email customer service unless you have paid for a ‘plus’ account. Click the link below to see the appropriate email address to use.

I have started the In-app chat to replace my bank account. As per the in-app chat suggestion, I have emailed the PDF of my latest bank statement to hello@freetrade.io.
it says normally action will be taken in 1 day, but I have not got any response on my email neither my bank account changed on account despite 3rd day today.

Can someone please let me know the contact number?

Thank you,

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They are extremely busy at the moment due to record numbers of users signing up - maybe just give it another day or two and hopefully someone will get back to you. When they do customer support is extremely helpful and will resolve any issues you have quickly.

Ok, Thank you for comments.

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I am in the same situation! Hopefully something can be done soon.

How do I go about changing my linked bank account? As I moved my primary account elsewhere and I can’t topup nor withdraw.

  • I maxed out my Apple Pay limit in a week lol
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You can email details@freetrade.io


Thanks, i was waiting over 8 days for the team to get back to me in-app so this will help a bunch :relaxed:

How do you update your bank/card details in App. I have searched everywhere in App and can not find how to “Update Details Button”


That help page isn’t that clear
You first need to click the person icon in the top right.
Scroll down till you see “Manage your ISA” or Plus
Tap on that and then you will be able to update your payment method.

This is unrelated to your linked bank account which can only be changed manually by the team so I’d continue to wait for a response.


Thank you

I hope they get back to you soon. They’re still struggling with huge backlogs of queries from new users

My issue is now being resolved so I’ll share how, for those who also need to change over their linked bank.

  1. Contact details@freetrade.io and request a bank change, this email is their dedicated one for account details.

  2. Submit the bank statement they require for the account you want to link and wait for the changeover to be completed.

This is what I’ve done and I’m currently just waiting for my new bank to be linked.

(Note I waited 9 days for an in-app reply but the email was replied within 24 hours so it is a faster support process).

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