Past performance is no guarantee of future results
Depends on how much you put in…
What’s your Time-weighted rate of return on insights?
I’m still learning!
Probably gme and amc xD
You have a lot of diversification. This is the longest list i ever seen.
To be fair i haven’t seen a lot of lists xD
Just remember what warren buffet said : Diversification is a protection against ignorance. It makes very little sence for those who know what they doing.
Try to put more money into things you believe and understand! That’s what im doing
And i woudnt be worries about time weighted returns. I been down up to 40-50% and ended up up by 50% due to my believes in the companies i invest into
Yeah mainly bought company’s that pay dividends, at least if the price drops you recoup something!
100% agree.
I think market will crash soon. 2021-2022. At least thats my believe.
Dividend stock, specially the good one will protect me from the damage
FXPO’s dividend is this Thursday isn’t it?
I want to get more of that stock at some point, their cashflow is ridiculous.
FXPO dividend is nice but I sold my shares a few days ago because Russia are eyeing up Ukraine again and it’s starting to look unstable there. I put the money in RMM. They had a good week and I missed those gains but they have potential.
That time weighted average insight thing is interesting. My ISA portfolio is down 6.75%. If I had stuck everything in the FTSE All World ETF I’d be up 5.08%. I’m not worried though.
Snap! This is literally me! Prem, issues with his and ISA, taking risks on just whims! And completely short of cash when if like to put a lot more in! Good luck anyway
This is a lot of insights. You can end up spreading yourself to thin especially if you don’t have a lot invested
PREM was where I learned about pump and dumps and the tactics people use on message boards. It accounts for about 1.5% of my negative %. That knowledge helped me avoid 88E a week ago and UKOG last week. The rest are just poor entry points, ARB performing worse than expected and eating losses on poor performers.
Just remember that the odds are not in your favour, based on what history tells us. Most stock-pickers would have been better off with index funds over their lifetime.
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#GFIN Gfinity
#ESCE Escape Hunt
All you need for 2021
Most stock pickers probably do very little research and pick what they think looks good and protect themselves through picking many stocks. Essentially managing their own ETF.
People who beat the index funds do lots of research and invest in under valued companies who go on to double their share price in a year. But I guess under valued companies are often higher risk. More risk more gained. Everyone has their tolerance level.
I’d love to know the ratio of new customers who bought MXC, Kanabo, cellular. I think they are potential good buys but I reckon “weed” stocks probably get bought for very wrong reasons. Same as penny stocks seem like good value and people spend X amount on them when they could have just bought a decent stock.
And yes I am guilty of the above! but I am now green.
People who beat the index funds do lots of research and invest in under valued companies who go on to double their share price in a year
those are only actually 10% of stock pickers. About 9 out of 10 active managers underperform the market once fees are taken into account. And its impossible to know who the 10% are in advance, as yestardays outperformers might be tomorrows underperformers.
Also they are supposedly smart people with million pound salaries, teams of analysts and more resources than the average trader can ever dream of.
You might get lucky for a few years, but chances are if investing long term you will be much better off with an index fund.
Having said this, stock picking is fun and I do it myself, but its only about 5-10% of my total.