What is going on today? - Megathread

Yeah, mines gone up today too. Not complaining, as it’s nice to gain back some losses, although how long this’ll last/if I’ll recover all is a big question

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My shares bathed but it was not in blood.

Roll on next week!!
Shame about Intel dropping this week.

Not the market but what is up with |FT banning the AMC chat again? Really seemed OTT the first time but to then again close it down is very odd as there was n9o abuse or anything at all.

Tin hats out as maybe someone doesn’t want talk about the share :joy: :man_facepalming:

I think is automatic when there are a certain number of flagged posts :mailbox:

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I looked last might at the flagged comments and they were simply “tiger” being called “pussy cat” which is a bit tame to be honest :man_facepalming: :joy: but the convo was shut again with no more comments or flags from what I could see.

Whatever the reason it is a bit pathetic and I did say “get the tin hats out” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This isn’t the right thread for this, maybe back in the AMC thread now it’s re-opened or a separate thread, but I know I flagged a post in there because it crossed the line into personal name calling. I guess other people later flagged other posts in there too as it was several hours later when the forum got locked and when I looked there were multiple posts that had been flagged by other people in the mean time.

Whether people agree with other’s opinion or not, discussing the points someone makes on a forum seems fine, but insulting them because they have a different point of view isn’t appropriate. I didn’t recognise either of the people involved, but I flagged it because it didn’t seem like a nice way of treating another forum member and not at all in the spirit of being nice to each other.

Also the post I flagged was made by someone whose post only a couple of posts further up had an automatic notice next to it saying they were new to the community, so I flagged the post so a moderator could take appropriate action - whether leave the the post alone, edit it, or remind them about being polite, or whatever the moderator thought was required.


I’m only just starting out with the stock’s and shares ( about a month)… Therefore all my holdings are very small initial deposits because i don’t want to pay too much for my lessons :grimacing::joy:


Good strategy. My lessons cost me a few hundred but I’m green now.

Green is green fella :muscle:


This will upset the GME APES

This comment especially

“As part of the new tax structure, the administration plans to raise the top income tax rate to 39.6% from 37% and raising capital gains tax rates on those who earn more than $1m a year. Tax rates will also be raised on income for people earning more than $1m per year through stock dividends.”

Like the sound of a $15m minimum wage :joy:


I think he’s using SI suffixes, so that’s $0.015. Sounds about right.

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:joy: I will now be calling pence centipounds.


Haha, my friends and I have long used SI units on pence, because actually they’re quite convenient. 1Kp is a tenner, 1Mp is a convenient unit for larger amounts like salaries (an average salary is 3Mp, a house is 30Mp) etc…

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freetrade provides an ISA, other apes on reddit dont seem to mind if they get minted.

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An interesting overview of the US stock market from Jeffrey Gundlach

What’s going on. I’ve gone green. My $gogo punt is starting to pay off.

So this afternoon, my portfolio has dropped by about 1% and I can’t figure why out exactly… Some of my stocks have dropped, but they’re still all above my buy threshold (i.e. according to my spreadsheet they’re all worth more than when I last bought them)…

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Bid ask spread