Some investors try to identify steady compounders and keep them as core holdings to complement more opportune investments. Others have built careers on staying away from the fads and buying stocks able to consistently generate above-average earnings and staying power.
In his latest article, @DanLane shares three examples of stocks those quality growth fund managers tend to gravitate towards.
Importantly, these are just illustrations of the theme due to their characteristics so you shouldn’t take them as a recommendation to buy or sell any security. When you invest, your capital is at risk.
If you could choose one stock to hold forever, what would it be?
Berkshire Grey
Desktop Metal
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My forever stocks fundamentals:
Founder led
Company Innovates yearly
Strong IP
Massive TAM
High revenue growth
High gross margin
Market cap under $5b
Potential for 30 bagger in 30 years
I watched my son playing Roblox the other day. I can’t figure out why kids like it at all. We’re at the pinnacle of gaming, Things look more realistic than ever before, games developers have honed their art to make games as immersive and rich as the best books and films ever made and yet here kids are, making a crappy looking lego minifig go on an unrealistic swing or playing a multiplayer game where everyone runs around a box selecting 2d outfits to try on and carry from one side of the box to the other. Unbelievable.
Indeed. I don’t have kids of my own (yet) but I have heard many parents expressing the same feedback.
I think more than the graphic or the how realist a game looks kids are interested in the social aspect and customization of the character.
It also attract developers because you can build your own game and people can make money off renting equipments/stuff. So you could potentially work as a freelancer (not sure if you need to be affiliated with roblox) and make a living by programming games. I am confident in roblox for the community behind it.
I am particularly interested in the tokenisation of in game assets (not completely sure how it works on roblox though). To be honest I have no done much research into this and just picked up a 1.2 of a share when it was around $65.
I also think it looks like a load of crap, but my 9-year-old spends ALL her pocket money on it. Since it’s the platform, I think there’s great long-term potential (along with the short-term volatility) and have invested.