100 brand new ETFs are here 🎉 4th October 2022

Two points (more for community members than the product team) these spin off @Eden’s point about choice (which by the way I fully agree with):

[1] It is really worth looking closely at ETF performance. One might think that a 1% difference in performance doesn’t mean much. I have thrown together a simple example of two people who invest £2000 into two similar ETFs and then leave them alone for 20 years. One ETF has a consistent performance of 6% (p.a.) and the other one 7% (p.a.). 1 eenie-weenie % difference:

That is what compounding does for you. The example is simplistic, I could keep adding money to the pot etc. But I thought, keep it basic to make the basic point: “small” differences in performance make a big difference with time. Choice is good: it allows you to consider this sort of thing.

[2] Be careful of ETF managers. Managers have specific skills and different houses tend to be good at particular investment types (e.g. North America Investment or Emerging markets investment etc]. ETF managers also market their goods. They will jump on to bandwagons to encourage you to give them money so they they can make money off you. Don’t think House X is good at everything just because it provides a whole host of ETFs (or investment trusts for that matter). Choice is good: it allows you to pick the managers that specialise and are good in specific areas.

Happy investing :moneybag:


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