An update on adding thousands of new US stocks 🇺🇸

Hey, the first batch will be US stocks only.

We aren’t able to add US ETFs that are listed in the US as they don’t provide KIDs, a legal requirement for us:

After the US stocks, we’ll be able to explore more ETFs that are listed on the LSE.

Fractionals aren’t far off at all, and following that, the new US stocks will be added.


You must be in the final batch, as there are only a few thousand accounts waiting to be upgraded.

We still plan for everyone to be on Invest by the end of this week.


I’m still waiting on Invest - please tell me it’s imminent :weary::joy::crossed_fingers:

It’s imminent!


Im still waiting tooooooo :frowning:

And me :wave:

How were accounts batched up out of curiosity?

still waiting too :yawning_face:

Exciting times yet again! :slight_smile:

So Freetrade have clearly been listening to everyone saying how important extra ETFs are then?


Agreed… ETFs are especially important in ISA season.

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I just don’t get why the rest of the world seems to have recognised how important ETFs are (especially for unsophisticated investors) but Freetrade is not making them a priority.


Have we managed to out together a list of “must haves” I imagine as a community we could help direct Freetrade towards the ones we want most and avoid disappointment?


Don’t think so. Good idea though. Perhaps a Google Form with Top 3 or 5 equities you’d like to see and then order them by votes. Then compare that with the Top Voted equities in this forum that haven’t been added yet might surface something special? Thoughts?

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Could do a top three ETFs and a top three Stocks see what comes up.


I have spoken directly to Viktor directly and made my thoughts know but I am only one person.

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I think ignore stocks and just do a top 5 ETFs. We desperately need to see more.

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Which 5 are you after?

  • Vanguard Aggregate Bonds ETFs (medium and long dated)
  • MSCI EM Hedged Distributing
  • S&P500 Hedged
  • NASDAQ100 Hedged

Oh and commodities ETFs as well.