Any recommendations for Junior S&S ISAs?

I didnā€™t feel this fell into Freetrade Competitors since Freetrade doesnā€™t offer Junior ISAs, but wondered if anyone had any experience/thoughts on Junior S&S ISA providers? Iā€™m thinking about setting some up for the kids as a regular savers account and just have a couple of funds that it buys into every month. Having had a dig around I think Hargreaves Lansdowne looks like the cheapest offering since theyā€™ve dropped all their fees for Juniors. Any other recommendations?

Aside from HL, Fidelity is one that I see recommended relatively often.

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Seconded. Fidelity has zero platform fees for Junior ISAs. Trading in OEIC funds is free. Both my kids have their JISAs there and it is as cheap as it gets if you choose your funds well.

But if you intend to invest in ETFs, equities, or investment trusts, then look elsewhere - the Fidelity trade execution costs are relatively high.

Ooo yes on I see:

Share dealing and other charges

  • Ā£1.50 for deals as part of a regular savings or withdrawal plan, or for a reinvestment of income or a dividend.
  • Simple charge of Ā£7.50 for each deal placed online

I had been intending on picking a generic ETF like GPSA though perhaps it is worth investigating the OEIC funds. Thanks for the info

Yeah, it is worth a look. I imagine something like one of these funds would be comparable to GPSA for ongoing charges and underlying portfolio:

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I been using fidelity for 2 years would recommend had no issues and customer is good

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I donā€™t have any specific providers to recommend but a junior Sipp could be an option too.

I like the idea of my kids not being able to access it for six decades ā€“ think of the compounding!


I am on fidelity. Took me a while to realise that you need to buy ā€œtheir ownā€ funds for things like S&P otherwise trading fees are insane, but all good otherwise.

Just to elaborate on ā€œinsaneā€ part, I donā€™t remember what it was exactly, letā€™s say 10-20gbp per transaction. Assuming you are doing monthly direct debit + buying 3-5 funds per month thatā€™s price of transaction * 5 * 12.

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