App is stuck on 'creating account' loading screen?

Iā€™ve seen a couple of thread posts like this - effectively, Iā€™d got all the way through, put in details, only for the app to revert back to the ā€˜Creating Accountā€™ loading screen.

However, the problem is now that Iā€™ve been told to either contact in-app chat or the hello@ email address. I just got 2 straight bouncebacks in a row from the email address saying that the mailbox couldnā€™t be found/is unable to receive mail, a reply on Twitter saying ā€œwe canā€™t do this hereā€, and because Iā€™m stuck on the ā€˜Creating Accountā€™ screen, have to reinstall the app to access the in-app chat via the Magic Link ā€˜get helpā€™ page - which disappears and defaults back to the stuck loading page when I close it down.

Tl;dr, I have no way of getting any help on this! It feels a bit concerning having my personal information on an account I canā€™t get access to!

Please help!

Some people said they had luck with clearing the app data and cache on their phone?

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Hi Adam - thanks for your comment. Tried doing this, and tried Delete App from the Settings menu - no joy! I redownloaded from the App store, opened it up & put my email in and defaulted straight back to the Creating Your Account loading page. Iā€™m really not sure what Iā€™m supposed to do! Itā€™s not so much that Iā€™m worried about trading on the app right away - Iā€™m more concerned that I canā€™t get access to an app which has my full details now!

Iā€™m stuck on creating your profile aswell

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Evening @Tray97 :ocean: welcome to these parts :ok_hand:t2:

This crops up from time to time and there isnā€™t really one simple issue. Thousands of sign ups a day go through without fail and it can normally be sorted easily enough.

Have you tried deleted the app and reinstalling?

Do you have access to another device to see if that works?

Have you got the latest version of the app and iOS / Android?

Your device isnā€™t too old is it? I donā€™t know what the cut off is but it could be an issues.

Head into your inbox and search ā€œ@Freetrade.ioā€ sometimes youā€™ve got an account and completely forgotten.

Let us know how you get on

None of the solutions you said have worked for me

Morning @Tray97

Iā€™m stumped this normally seems to sort this out.

Youā€™re probably best to reach out to the team and see if they know what the solution is, they have access to so much more than we do.

Hope it gets resolved quickly for you :ok_hand:t2: (theyā€™re normally quicker at replying that the auto email states)

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Hi @Tray97 looks like this can happen occasionally, 3000/4000 new sign user a day, have you got another email address you could try?

So Iā€™m stuck on creating your profile and have not gotten a response from Freetrade. What should I do?

Ignore the flag - Iā€™ve raised it for moderation and hopefully itā€™ll get picked up quickly enough.

Hi @Tray97

If youā€™re still experiencing this problem kindly drop us an email to with the email you signed up with and someone will be in touch


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