Hi there, since this evening I can’t access my account in the app, it appears to have reset and just asks me to open a new account. I already have an account with money invested, which I can’t now access? Grateful for help please.
Could someone in freetrade respond to this please? I have now been unable to access my account for 4 days, which is unacceptable. I have emailed and tweeted with no response.
Customer service people do look at this discussion forum but the better way to contact them is to email them, click the following link for contact addresses:
Edited to add: Sorry, I notice that you said you already emailed them… in which case I don’t think there’s much else you can do… their speed of response has been quite bad for quite a while now, unfortunately.
Thanks, that’s useful. Hopefully they’ll respond to the email before too long, but good to get other emails to try if not.