Bank of Georgia - BGEO - Share Chat

This firm offer retail and corporate banking. Serving clients in both the UK and Georgia, other services include investment management, insurance, lending and other credit facilities.

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Good 8% yield, but paid annually, and last one was nearly half of what the precious two years were.
However they paid 25% of profits in divs, and I read on they were financially healthy.

On Stockopedia, 6 brokers rate it a Strong Buy, 2 Buys and no other ratings. Price target 75% above current. Dividend cover over 3 (anything 1 and above is considered good, as I understand it).

I hold, but can’t add more yet.

All my opinion, and info off Stockopedia (not guaranteed) and should not be taken as advice. Do your own research, and MYOD.


There intention are to spend on buy backs.
A cover of 1 means they are paying all there profits out as dividends.

Georgia capital is a private equity company and at this point about 20% of there assets are shares in bank of Georgia.
Georgia capital was part of bank of Georgia and was spun of about 6 years ago.

Just noticed that I am up 21.7% since purchase early April but still down 3% on Georgia capital.

Before purchasing these you need to read up on the party presently running the country (the Dream party) and the Russian oligarch (originally from Georgia) who probably still controls the Dream party.
The latter is holding them back from joining the EU.
GDP growth averages just under 6%

Presently up 48% bought early April.
Dividends are paid twice year not once.

P/E ratio 5
Dividends now 5.5%
Georgian lira (gel) is up against most countries therefore next years dividends could significantly higher without them paying more.
Intention are to buy back shares and cancel them.
Some buy backs are for staff renumeration.
Spread a very reasonable 0.22
Big purchases by directors including £250,000 by the chairman.
Lloyds are i think the cheapest uk bank on 6.09 P/E and 4.04 dividend.
Share price peaked aroud 2017/2018 at around 2,250p. Started fallìng before covid.
Frontier markets can fall for no apparent reason…that i can think of.
Cant find any info for the precovid fall but i haven’t tried very hard.
Note profits are significantly higher than 2017/2018

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Up 5% today.
I am up 55% since April.
I feel there will be a fall back soon. With the rapid increase in the share price. I would assume some profit taking.


I’m up but nowhere near as much as you. It’s in the dividend portfolio so happy to leave it until I hear / see something drastic. I can ride out a correction.

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Looking good. As mentioned by @SD235, another dividend announced today - about 35p per share (dependent on exchange rates of course).

Wish I’d bought more when I bought at £12.

Let’s keep going :arrow_upper_right:


Checking TBC the other Georgian bank it is closer to its previous peak. But in both cases profits are considerably higher.
If you look at the share price graphs there share prices started to fall around 2017/2018.
Can’t find a reason why.
Possibly frontier/emerging markets went out of fashion.

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Information on Bank of Georgia going back to the beginning of time!
The final is obviously the most interesting.

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On another furum someone wrote they thought Georgia was gaining from the Russian war against Ukraine. The article below supports that view


This is a very good, informative article - thanks for posting it.


I am up 61% not down 12%
Will they ever get anything right?

@SD235 I presume you have emailed (or used the in-app messaging if you are a standard/plus subscriber)? I am assuming you are looking at capital gain? It is not obvious to me looking at the price chart that you should have such a problem. So there is something strange going on.

@Charlotte @MeghanB26 please can someone dm @SD235 and fix this operational issue?

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I have emailed them.
Normal answer update app. I have the latest update.
Reinstall done makes no difference.
Nothing worse than finding all your portfolio going from up to falling over a cliff.
Thank god not really.
Thought Russia was nuking the world!!!
I am plus

I see that your message has been received and that this is being investigated. Can I please remind you of our guidelines to be kind and constructive. I appreciate this is frustrating.

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Bank of Georgia has increased its dividend by 25% from 1.48 Lari to 1.85 Lari. This information was given out some time ago.
A few sites have this as 34p to 55p (interim dividends).
The actual conversion rate has not been set.
I suspect Both numbers are based on the date the dividend was announced and then converted to sterling.
Present middle price has varied between 59p and 62p over the last 2 weeks.
Ex 6/10 payment 20/10 actual conversion on the 10th but exchange rate is based on the average for the next week.
That’s based on previous method of paying dividends.
Bank of Georgia says the full year dividend will be split 40/60. This next payment is the 40% interim payment.
Note sterling is down but more significantly the Lari is up against the euro the dollar…just about everything.
Base rate 11%
And Russians moving money ( € $ roubles etc) into Georgia.
IE don’t expect this sort of increases in dividends in the future.
The dividend may continue to rise in Lari but fall in sterling.

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