Can I top up using Monese?

Hello guys
Wondering if you can use your freetrade account with a Monese bank account?

It’s an e money company rather than a bank and it’s a prepaid card. Since this is the same as Revolut I’d think it wouldn’t be accepted

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Thats what I thought aswell.Im trying to figure out the best way to build an invesment portfolio while traveling countries quite often.
Investing is a long term game and it will be too hard to have a long term approach if I have to open new bank account and a new broker every year.

Monese aren’t a bank so we can’t accept payments from them (or other prepaid card providers like Revolut) unfortunately. To top-up the account must be:

  • A personal account, rather than a company account
  • In your name, not a family member’s etc
  • A UK account
  • A full UK bank account rather than a pre-paid card, app or similar

There’s more details in our help guide.