Changing Personal Details


I’ve been trying to change my personal details and currently I’m totally dependent on the app chat and email which I requested support on 28th Jan with no response.

I understand free trade has seen a significant amount of increase in users, but having to depend on customer support to change your name/address where it could have been done via app or website is a bit frustrating!

Hi Umar, welcome to the forum :wave:

Sorry to hear you’ve had no reply since the 28th of January and thanks for understanding that we have had a surge in users causing response delays, but we’re making good progress in catching up on messages.

We’ll take your feedback regarding an in app personal details update function on board.

We can’t access your customer information here, so could you please send us an email at, and we’ll check it out ASAP for you.

Hi I sent an email yesterday and have just resent it if that helps.

Same issue: i simply want to add my NI (national insurance) number: i sent emails, i logged through Twitter and now this forum …I am not sure what the issue is but my simple request is being mis-read and the stunted responses are frustrating. It seems there is no way of updating personal details other than by an email.

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Hi there, sorry to hear that. Have you emailed our team directly at They can help you out there for sure if you are looking to add your NI number.

Yes I have and responded almost immediately to their questions and requests for clarifications…but the communication is stunted. I am not sure why the, seemingly, simple request requires some many clarifications and screen shots?