Creating a Free Trade Account: NI already in use

Used my NI number to sign up a few months back, had an update and couldnā€™t get back into the app after because my NI was ā€œalready in useā€. Is there any way to rectify this?

Are you definitely going down the sign in flow rather then signing up?

I re-downloaded the app. The only flow is to sign up.

Yeah just done it, youā€™re right.

Are you definitely using the same email address you originally signed up with?

Sorry youā€™ve not been able to access the app. :cry:

If you can send an in-app chat or DM me here, weā€™ll look into this for you.

Hi Gemma,
Just responding to your comment on my post on here about not being able to access the app ā€¦

Hi James, you can private message @Gemhappe ā† tap on her username.

Hi I am having the same issue. I am only seeing the sign up path and no login path upon getting a new phone and re-downloading the app. Can anyone help?

@Gemhappe can you take a look?

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From what I remember, entering the email you used to signup to Freetrade with will push you down the login path. Then itā€™ll ask you to set your passcode and youā€™ll be in.

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Sorry about that. :cry: Please DM me if youā€™re still having issues.

Same problem. Had to replace my phone.Reloaded Freetrade app on new device only takes me down the new user pathway rather than logging into my account. Iā€™m stuck. Help please

Can you DM @Gemhappe or shoot an email to hello@freetrade.Io?