Customer support

You get a reply, then you send your reply, and then waiting again to get something sorted.

As has been posted by :freetrade: in this forum, they’re overwhelmed by a rush of new users. They’re getting on top of it now, so it shouldn’t be tooooo long until things return to normal. In the nicest possible way, they’re not going to sit around waiting for your reply. There are hundreds of requests (I’d imagine thousands) with which to deal and a new reply likely goes to the back of the queue. Be patient.

Additionally, your forum account isn’t linked to your :freetrade: account. Thus, asking for attention here would not only slow customer support down if they were watching the forum, but would slow down everyone’s requests because they’d then need to collect information about you and verify it via this medium. It really is just better for everyone to try to be patient.

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