Freetrade 2021 Crowdfunding Round

The only thing getting me through September was the thought of a raise.

The only thing getting me through October-December was discussing and salivating over the new share price.

Now ā€¦



Was the announcement one of those post 2mins before departing office on a Friday to let the weekend calm down the reactions :joy: In all seriousness though it is better to be done at the right time for FT than a wanted date from the forums.


Fair play to @Freetrade_Team for letting us know. I can imagine the forum if there was continued speculation all of September and then no communication at the end of the month


Ha :sweat_smile:


Waiting a tad longer so they can tput the 1M user figure in the deck


Why would you hope for that? It would just mean more dilution before it is actually necessary. I wouldnā€™t think they need the funds just yet. Iā€™m honestly happy for them to forego this yearā€™s fundraise if they have the runway to wait, but I think itā€™s a case of them wanting to involve the crowd every year, as they have done since inception.


Great to hear, thatā€™s all we needed, thanks Sam!


The biggest risk to your expected payout with your freetrade shares isnā€™t diminished returns from fractional dilution, it is speed to market & scale. Bring on the big chequesā€¦
Also worth noting how fractional the respective dilution starts to become with a Ā£1bn+ Val.


Yep sometimes you need the big funding to keep pace and it could/may be needed as it is a competitive market and only going to get more so. :+1:

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If you google, you can immediately see that Bitpanda started before freetradeā€¦

Yep, which is why I donā€™t see why you incorrectly stated the opposite l. I assume you wanted to support your narrative that pitpanda is ahead of freetrade. But there is no need to state incorrect information for that. :sweat_smile:

Bit Panda is open to many many more markets and if FT launch in Europe within the year then they will get astronomical numbers sign up. Comparing them is actually a bit pointless in the meantime as a comparison. Looking at the site I prefer FTs model and pretty sure that when they are in the same markets the numbers will be higher than them.

I have only browsed TBH but they donā€™t seem to offer the big reliable earning like SIPP and ISA etc so simply having X sign ups doesnā€™t mean the business is great long term. Does look an interesting app though :+1:


Thatā€™s odd @onehundredpercent has disappeared. :grimacing:

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Agreed, comparing sign ups is silly, active funded users could easily be an order of magnitude lower.

Thatā€™s also why I hope FT give us a more meaningful number (# ISAs, # SIPP, # FT+, Ā£AUA or revenues) for the next funding round, raw account numbers are pretty meaningless - especially if lots of people just use them as a scratch card for a free share.


This is particularly huge on FT sign ups as many will have done only that. I do however think the overall offerings as you mentioned are very good for long term success. I do think some platforms that donā€™t offer SIPP, ISA etc will fail when people get back to spending anything they have rather than investing long term.

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Definitely. Would imagine that all the hype around another public raise is great for marketing/exposure too

Might be wrong but it looks like you arnt actually buying shares either with bit panda, only derivatives

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They also mentioned it would be a joint raise with half being crowdfunded in EU and half UK if I remember correctly, so I wonder if itā€™s more to do with EU rollout going slower than maybe hoped


This was my reasoningā€¦

Crowd funding confirmed for October 28th? :yum: