So it’d be a big help if you could subscribe now. The content will be awesome but I’ll post here & let you know once we’re there, in case you don’t want to stay subscribed
Now that you’ve got your own YouTube channel the world is your oyster…
Tutorials for how to use the app’s
Early visibility of future releases
Stock market news - weekly &/or just big events
Interviews with big name investors (I dare you to get Warren Buffett!)
Interviews with Freetrade investors (app users, shared experience, put a face to some of the community names)
Investor advice & guidance (from the basics to the advanced stuff)
Explanation of investing terms, events (dividends, splits, etc)
Announce the upcoming funding round with a video overview
Links to other interesting & useful channels
There is so much that you can use this for, and the beauty of it is that you can start small/cheap and develop this as far as you want.