Invest by Freetrade: the upgrade has begun

Oh yeah!


Been on Platform for a few days now and this improvement in user experience is notable. My deposit today @20:10 via Faster Payment arrived 16 mins later, which prior would have had to wait till tomorrow morning.

Also, my basic order went through bang on 3pm yesterday with the receipt of notification instantly.

We’ve come to expect fast and smooth experiences using apps so I’m relieved it is here. Looking forward to everything else the Invest Platform brings :zap:

I have to echo the praise for the :freetrade: team and shoutout to engineers under @Ian behind this effort!


Thanks @Diversify - I’ll make sure the team know. Feedback like this makes all the difference.


Great work, cannot wait for the new stock additions in the near future.

As for the European expansion very interested in one aspect. If you move from one country to the other how is your account going to change. Let’s say I live in the UK, but move to the Netherlands or Ireland etc. Very interested to hear the logistics behind the operation - would you have to change your currency, your connected bank account etc.

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Account not being in euros has to be the next step. I don’t even want to deal in pounds. The only investment in pounds I have is my Freetrade shares. I don’t want to hold shares in dollars, Freetrade convert it to pounds and then euros! Would I pay the 0.45% at each step? I sincerely hope not.

Euros please :pray:


Quick questions if I may:

Instant top ups by Apple Pay and Google: Will the £1000 limit be lifted? The instant aspect otherwise isn’t useful to people like me who have maxed the £1000.

Will we know when we’ve been upgraded? I got a message to say upgrades have begun, will we get followups or is there anything we need to look for?

Top ups will become instant, but will withdrawals?



Apple and Google Pay will cost Freetrade a lot of money in fees, hence why it is restricted (same reason Monzo has killed them off!).


I think Monzo planned on killing it anyway as it only really made sense to ‘top up’ when they were a pre-paid card. You don’t really ever top up a bank account with another card, but it’s different when you want to use a card to top up an investment account. HL, AJ Bell etc accept instant card payments at any amount, so I wondered if Freetrade would do the same.


I assume those two make it back in dealing fees though, whereas Freetrade dont.

The happy medium imo is instant top ups via bank transfer.


Absolutely, I think most would be happy with that.

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Instant top ups via debit card is what I’d like to see.


Bit more cumbersome at the moment than doing a top up via debit card but the top up I did recently from my banking app appeared about 5 minutes later now I’m on the freetrade platform. I’ve already set up freetrade and the reference as a payee so only took me 10 seconds to top up from my banking app too.


Really looking forward to the launch in Ireland :grin: :partying_face: :ireland:


Huge news guys, Huge! Bloody fantastic effort :muscle:t3::dart: Go Get It!!!

Maybe one day I’ll get the opportunity to switch over from RobinHood to FTrade here in Cali…


So do we all :muscle:

Edit: have 7 people queued up already to join. I had promised @engineer to use his sign up link previous but another Freetrader has won it over so don’t spam me with sign up links :rofl::rofl::rofl: Engineers posts were top notch shame he’s not on here anymore


What’s the “premium account”? :thinking:

Freetrade alpha

Got the upgrade notification this morning. Bank transfer arrived in 7 minutes. Basic order contract notes in the activity feed by 3.01 PM. Impressed so far :smiley:


Still waiting on my updates on invest platform. Hv to test the new spread offer on purchase/sales & fx rates.

We’ll share more details on the premium account shortly, stay tuned.