Is there a function to view dividend income within the app?

I’m pretty sure in the couple weeks I’ve had dividends hit my account as I can see small increased balances of cash. But I can’t seem to find a function or button that allows me to track my dividend income within the app? Ideally it would show (1) how much, (2) the date, and (3) what company it was from. But as I say, I can’t seem to find a function like this within the app - am I missing it or does it not exist?

Dividends should appear in your activity feed and they’ll also email you all the stairs you asked for

In that case I just have random pennies flying about because I can’t see that in the activity feed and I have no emails regarding it. Maybe I’m just not keep track well enough.

Also thank you for moving the thread to the approrpriate catagory.

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The email should look a little like this.

If you’re not 100% just email and then can let you know everything you’ve had.

Dividendmax let’s you have 10 stocks for free to track dividends.

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