Market close/open price can vary for a number of reasons, including after-hours trading, earnings reports and investor valuations.
We’ve had a few questions about the way we present the market opening price on your Freetrade app.
A recent example:
Why does Freetrade show opening price for the day rather than last night’s close? I can look at a stock that’s down £10 since close and it will say it’s up for the day because after the drop it climbed a little.
We’re now rolling out an improvement to your 1D graph:
Thanks for the update! This will bring free trade into line with other tools / sites and remove the need to load other apps to check daily price changes…
All the stock charts part from the “day” one are 1 day behind so today they show fridays price as a last price which doesn’t paint correct picture of the latest stock movement. I have mentioned it before so might be already in pipeline.