Opening ISA as Plus member

Hello everyone,

I’m attempting to open a ISA in app as a plus member. At the moment I’m not seeing that option available. Latest app version installed.

Any ideas?

On the Portfolio Homepage you might see GIA in the top left of your screen in orange. Do you see ISA in the drop down when you tap that button?

Hi. I know what you mean as I’ve seen it in another members app while attempting to troubleshoot the issue myself.

But sadly no GIA/ISA toggle in my app :frowning:

Have you opened an ISA in this financial year with another provider? Or have you closed an ISA with FT?

No ISA elsewhere. Not yet opened ISA via Freetrade

I’ve run out of ideas :confused:
I’d try support

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Thanks for your help. Waiting on support but wanted to see if I’ve potentially missed something

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Hope you get sorted soon too.

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Thanks! Let me know if you have any luck. I’ll do the same if I make any progress