Portfolio total is confusing

I know this will have come up, but I’m not sure where. It would be great if the mods could move and/or edit it, please.

I have deposited £100 for testing. I bought some shares on Monday and now I’m looking at the Portfolio screen and it shows £99.85 or so. Fine.

Then I placed a buy order for £17.

My Portfolio now shows a total of £116.85.

This makes no sense to me at all. I don’t have more than I did before I placed the order, but the headline total on the Portfolio screen makes it look like I do.

It feels weong now, and obfuscates the real value of my portfolio, but if I place multiple buy orders at different rates it’s going to get even further from the right value.

I would expect it to work like this (but I appreciate I’m a noob and might not get all the subtleties.)

Start with a new account:

Portfolio shows £0.
Deposit £100.
Portfolio shows £0.
Place a buy order for £17.
Portfolio shows £0.
Buy order succeeds and share is bought for £16.85.
Portfolio shows £16.85.
Wait a few days, share price falls (let’s be honest.)
Portfolio shows £16.52.
Place a buy order for £12 in another company.
Portfolio shows £16.52.
Buy order succeeds at £11.56.
Portfolio shows total of owned shares £28.08.


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Thanks for reporting this, it sounds like the bug that Tony’s just mentioned. We’ll look into this ASAP.

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We’ve just deployed the fix for this bug :zap: we’ll need to re-sync the balances of affected users but then we’re sorted.


My totals all make sense now. Thank you!


Same here. That’s much better. Cheers for the fix!


This hasn’t been fixed…It’s doing that on my account also…If it continues, I shall have to close my account for good.

It was fixed. I know, because I was affected by it and it’s been fine for over 2 years.

If you are encountering an issue your first step will be to report this in-app, rather than threatening to close your account.

It’s not a threat whoever you are, It’s a promise…And yes i’ve contacted them in app.

Thank you.