Take part in shareholder Q&As 🗳️

From today, Freetrade customers will be able to participate in shareholder Q&As for certain US-listed stocks.

This is part of our US proxy voting service

How do I participate in a Q&A?

  • You’ll receive an email notifying you of an upcoming shareholder event and directing you to the shareholder engagement centre
  • Through the engagement centre, you’ll be able to ask questions directly to management and upvote questions proposed by other shareholders

It’s worth noting that not all companies offer this service, so you’ll only be able to participate in Q&As for certain US-listed stocks you hold.

Keep an eye out for emails about upcoming events and make your voice heard :mega:

Feel free to pop any questions about the service itself in the thread below :point_down:


Nice development. Thank you :blush:

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Got my first one, nice one Freetrade!

I have one share in Microsoft :rofl:


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