Anyone recieved their div?
Not yet xx
Not yet, still waiting
Happy birthday @Kalz
Thank you xx
The dividend will come this Monday.
How come Monday?
Seems to be zero logic to dividend payment schedule with FT.
Dividends have to be sent and processed by a few different companies and systems before they arrive. It’s not uncommon for them to arrive in a day or so but the standard operating time to get them out is 5 working days.
Not yet!
Curious about this topic…do you know who is behind processing these payments or how it works in general? Needs to be more reliable.
Freetrade have said they plan to improve the whole dividend experience which included better in app information and hopefully faster payments.
Based on my last interaction with the chat service, standard operating time has moved out to 10 working days now - getting slower rather than quicker.
recieved this morning
Is there anyone else who hasn’t received their dividend for this yet? It was supposed to be paid on Thursday 23 Feb unless I’ve miscalculated that?
Will be paid,dont worry, takes a few business days its not even been 3 days yet.
That’s the ex date. You need to look at the payment date, which is the 21st of March.
Ah I’m normally very good with the difference between the two but had totally messed up on this one. That’s it exactly - thank you.
Not really happy about the move.
Why? It looks like at least they are trying to shake things up. Until now things were only getting worse.