What will the Freetrade UI/UX be like?

Hey all :wave: - still finding my feet here, so do merge / move this if itโ€™s in the wrong place or already been discussed.

Iโ€™m having a think about my investment strategy and was wondering if there are any videos/presentations of the (likely) Freetrade user interface/user experience out there? A picture paints a thousand words and all that!

My initial thought is that I might want to have a small number of different investment strategies (some investment for dividend income, some market tracking ETFs and maybe a few shorter term individual stocks to gamble (in an informed way!) on bigger returns). It struck me that something like Monzo pots* would be a good model here to allow me to segregate them into nice buckets, but then I realised I know next to nothing about the UI.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

*Iโ€™d also like to see each of these portfolios in Monzo as pots, but thatโ€™s another story! :slight_smile:


A post was merged into an existing topic: App Screenshots and Portfolio Interface