Wrong Reporting: Todays App 29Apr24 930am

Today morning I checked my holdings (which is up 1300-1400 over last 3 years) ā€¦and suddenly find it is down by 1290 pounds today
Obviiusly something is painfully wrong

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Example web check snapshot looking for shares that have dropped the max today

@acamp Yet again today they are having technical issueā€™s with pricing with various stocks reducing by 100% (i have had it with a few like Nanoco & Currys )

Another suggestion could they not alert people when the system is having issueā€™s with pricing and also could they not have a way to report Technical issueā€™s in the app as it doesnā€™t currently

As mine keeps jumping as well

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Hi team could you please also take a look at Forterra this is showing down 99% in the day cheers

Also have multiple stocks with a 99% drop today. Hope this is fixed soon.

They have just sent out an alert in the app.

I got this notification now thankfully, I was thinking maybe the market is crashing and started looking around all sitesā€¦if some WW3 has startedā€¦ :rofl:

While it acknowledges the problem, such a wrong display may create havoc in peoplesā€™ life investment decisons and wealth.
It may be advisble e to shutdown the systems till it is reliable enough (at least read only without trading functions )ā€¦Just my thought

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I had a popup message on the app about 30 minutes ago saying there is a problem with pricing
Was a shock though seeing the drop

Yeah that came up just after my post on here

Morning all,

As some of you have seen, thereā€™s an issue with the pricing weā€™re receiving with one of our providers. The team has been working on resolving this.



Although I do feel it would be good to have a report a technical issue via the app as well

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Is the data going to be corrected, or left like in the past? Still got a +2000% spike from 2022.


Same here, I thought Iā€™m the only one. The ā€œmaxā€ plot is essentially useless for me because of this bug

It would be nice for my watchlist to return.

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Can the hitch be corrected so that we dont see it in historic graphs?


Let me ask the team what we can do!