100 New ETFs Live Right Now! 30th SEPTEMBER 2020

Yeah, no ones heard of BlackRock :smiley:

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To be fair they didn’t paywall an index they paywalled one ETF that tracked that index and replaced it with another one.

You’re being pedantic now. Go on any forum and it’s not BlackRocks offering of the tech fund spoken about is it. It’s QQQ it’s become synonymous and the one everyone’s heard of. Do you think them removing QQQ is no big deal because BlackRock have an offering?


Yep just happened to be one that was double the price at 500 a pop with no split share option. That ETF you refer to is nowhere near as popular, it would be like them paywalling Vanguard VUSA S&P500 tracker but saying don’t worry we have other options. QQQ is one of the most popular and invested in indexes right now.

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Surely it would be SPY in your example? That’s the point though who really cares about the ETF as long as it’s priced well and tracks well.

It’s not an index.

When will the these ETF’S be moved over too plus ?

OK, ETF that tracks the Nasdaq. It indexes the Nasdaq 100. You know exactly what I meant.

Yeah let’s throw out the most popular one that most investors know in favour of the one that’s double the price at 500 quid a pop.

hi can you add BETZ please.

Definitely agree with this. I’d also say this is why it’s very unlikely that anything else would get moved from Free to the Plus account (as well as the FT response below).

There are unannounced Plus features being worked on and exotic exchanges they said they plan to add. They’ll have a massive pipeline which they’re planning to build, looks like they’re doing a lot of hiring.

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The sole value proposition of Plus shouldn’t be that you get access to more stocks


 however I argue that it is reasonable for it to contribute to the value proposition.

So now with these new ETFs added, what’s the cheapest ETF that follows a global equities index tracker (accumulation)? VWRP?

Only VWRL and VWRP track developed and emerging markets so yes is the answer.

VEVE tracks 80% of VWRL so the performance is very similar and it’s cheaper 0.12% Vs 0.22%

Thanks! So 80% VEVE 20% VFEM would give me a cheaper global tracker?

Apologies it’s actually roughly a 90/10

Nice! Will do that

Sorry I should mention that these are distributing ETFs

Except right now it makes up like a third of the current value proposition of the plus product, the other two being limit orders and stop losses (which some may argue should be part of a basic package for any brokerage platform but that’s an argument for another day)

So right now more stocks is one of the primary features, a bitter pill to swallow when some of them you already had access to just a few weeks ago.

Hopefully new features and seemingly more added value can be added to the product in the coming weeks and months.

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ISA as well

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