An update on adding thousands of new US stocks 🇺🇸

Please don’t forget more ETF’s as well. :pray:



I have not read whole topic, so please forgive me if this was answered before.

Will there be option to filter newly added stocks in app? This would be super useful


We showcase some newly added stocks on the app Discover tab already, and will share a list of the 250 stocks when we add them.

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Yeah, but if always show ~ 3 stocks for me. plus swiping horizontally 250 stocks is not great CX
Will it have “see all” button or smth alike?

We will show more than three when we launch the new batch.

Cool idea to show even more, we’ll take it onboard!

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Do we have a launch date for these I hope before the end of the month payday? :pray:t5:

Hey Fahid, we’ll announce it on the day we’ll launch them. We’ll also have a weekly process after.


Weekly addition of new stocks after the 250 bulk? :blush:



Thanks for the heads up Victor, is it a possibility you can tell us 24 hours prior at least, the reason I say this is because people can start bank transferring into the Free trade account due to the length of time processing the transfer.


The bank transfer is a couple of hours at most.


Hope this comes in before the end of the month. There are several stocks I’ve really been looking forward to! :grinning:

That depends what bank you use.

Have you done one recently? Try putting a quid in on tuesday as a test (market is closed monday).

Yeah I do it all the time, depends on the time of day and I’m pretty sure when this gets announced, their will be surge of bank transfer which potentially could cause more of a delay for your account to be credited.


That’s a shame. There will be plenty of stocks left tho for you to buy a day later :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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When the weekly process takes off please add more ETFs @Viktor :grinning: :+1: I’ve got a few in the requests section along with some other users


Out of interest: how difficult is it to get access to other stock markets? With a lot of brokers, i only see US/UK markets, if you are lucky, you get access to EU markets but anything beyond that is almost nowhere available. These markets however can be quite exciting. I would love to get some Japanese stocks or even Brazilian ones (Iraqi stocks are a bit too risky for now I think).

Are you referring to US hosted ETFs in particular? As I’m pretty sure they are a no go due to the fact they don’t provide a Key Information Document which is required by law over here. I don’t think there’s any workaround for it.

No, I mean ETFs on the LSE… as part of any additional UK stocks that are added to the platform in the near future

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