Apple - AAPL - Share Chat

Having used to work for Apple, I used to get shares as part of my role (purchased and given) at a set time out of my control, but now I’m needing to look at the best time to buy some as I work elsewhere. What’s the general consensus around event announcements and product releases? From my limited research, the price tends to go down the day after the announcements (unless the products are “revolutionary” or “exciting”) before ramping up over the next 60 days. It can also go down prior to the announcement based on what the rumours are. What do you all think? Am I wrong? Good to get your thoughts. Thanks.

I have had the email yesterday saying I have had my apple dividend but the single digit pence amount doesn’t appear to be in my gia yet.

I got 2p, so I can chip in for the meal deal :joy: we can all share a box of McNuggets.


I had a Full Pound


My boring answer is that I would invest based on the long term fundamentals. I don’t think anyone can predict that well whether it always goes up or down after X event as people would have taken advantage of that of it were that simple to predict in advance.

I bought an Apple share a few years ago and have just been holding it.

If you believe in the long term fundamentals of the company then the best time to buy would be now.


I don’t have an opinion on the dollar award but Tim Cook is one of of not the best executives in the US and is charge of the worlds largest company. If anyone deserves a bumper pay award it’s him

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But no one deserves £99 million in pay. There’s a whole organisational chart below him that makes Apple’s success possible. Divvy it up amongst the cleaners at their Apple stores or something (don’t give it to shareholders)


If someone deserves $99m it’s Cook, the debate on executive pay is very much worth while. These pension managers however have earned a nice living off the back of his (and others) hard work.

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I want my cut :scissors: for investing my hard earned cash with them :face_with_monocle:


Less a cut than a sliver - $99m is 0.006c / share.

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So it’s an Amiga…


That sure brings back memories… :slight_smile:


Days Of Thunder, Shadow Of The Beast, Settlers, Red Baron…

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Sensible World of Soccer


I was thinking Lesuire Suit Larry!

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Is it worth buying into apple? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Laura,

I have shares in Apple, my reasons for buying are that I see the future for growth as being really good, plus it holds fairly steady with the share price, it’s not as volatile as some others. You also can buy part shares with the US stocks, so if you want to invest smaller amounts and build a position over time then you can.

You need to do your own research though and find an area that interests you also. You’ll see the wide variety of opinions on here about what’s a good investment and what isn’t and really you need to make that decision for yourself and not go on others advice. Also no one can guarantee you a profit, so you need to make a decision about what you are prepared to invest and what level of risk you are willing to take. My opinion is Apple is a well established company with a good future though and I think most would agree on that but no guarantees you’ll make money on your investment.

If you are just starting out, I would add potential companies that you are interested in to your watch list and try and get a feel for the market and the share price over a period of time. You can then judge if you want to invest at a later date if you are not sure.


No one here can offer you financial advice we all have to do our own research and make that decision but saying that Apple is an awesome company and 6% of my portfolio which I would like to increase


I have 10% of my portfolio in Apple now and plan to increase this. I know others here have quite a big chunk of their portfolio in Apple also. Holding for the long term though.

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