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I’m sure we’ll see different things in the future, but this kind of headset is a step forward in some respects.

Keep in mind we’re talking about the upcoming generation where Google have added a awareness type mode to android to stop people walking into poles since they all have their phone in their face all day everywhere

So it’s not like people don’t have a screen on front of their face a lot already :smile:


Just out of curiosity. That’s how a headset was in 1991. I think this gives us a different perspective on the AR/VR headsets evolution.


Definitely an evolution from that :rofl:

My point is I dont see headsets being the answer at all…but for now they will sell a few I’m sure.


I’m not sure we’ll ever come up with a truly interface free solution. Well… maybe until we can plug computers directly into our brain and bypass out senses altogether


The way forward isnt clear.

Holograms? Smart glasses?

Maybe even a smart watch that holograms out in front of you?

Who knows.

Personally not very keen on any of it :rofl:

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Yeah all of those have their issues.

The watch idea restricts movement, power, capability

Holograms would require some sort of room setup (something Apple deliberately went in the opposite direction for VR compared to the likes of valve who have room sensors)

Smart glasses would be super limited in capability. Google tried and dumped it before it was even a thing

I expect though maybe your the sceptic of mobile phones back in the day. No one will use those they said. Now my phone shames me for being overweight


Wow - miracle glasses! I would invest in them!

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I started to enjoy the idea of having one. Let’s see, maybe in the near future.

I’ve tried that on an occulus. It did make it look like I was watching it on a 50 foot tall screen. With better image quality it could be very cool

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To be honest, if the quality is truly as impressive as they claim in their presentation, I believe it could provide an experience even superior to that of a home theatre.

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Stopping sales just before Christmas is pretty shocking. The general consensus is that they are hoping to force Biden’s hand to veto this
Let’s see what happens, hopefully it won’t hurt the stock too much

The headline is a little deceiving, the watches are available to buy in store up until Christmas Eve.

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Apple piles money in AI :money_mouth_face:

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