Apple - AAPL - Share Chat

They’ve been working on a GPT for a while - Apple is reportedly spending ‘millions of dollars a day’ training AI - The Verge

10 years with the way it’s all advancing is probably over the timeline as I understand/see it in general, we’re probably more in the 3-5 year mark, whether it’s in the realms of being human like, is a whole other debate

On the Android side it’s quite laughable/expected of Google, where they’ve got Google Assistant and a Gemini app (not available in Europe/UK yet) -
Presumably Gemini will eventually be merged with Google Assistant/Google Home devices.

You’d assume Apple will want to do similar to enhance the offering.


Is anyone still waiting for the dividend payment? :thinking:

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WWDC starting today

Here’s what Reuters are expecting (AI is sole focus at Apple's annual conference)


  • Apple to showcase AI integration at developer conference

  • Revamped Siri, potential OpenAI partnership among highlights

  • Apple aims to allay investor doubts in AI race with Microsoft

This is going to be a big one for Apple

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:woozy_face: WWDC … well I erm, well indead … :rofl: Apple Intelligence AI :face_holding_back_tears:



:x: X marks the sore spot. :x:


Really surprised to see this up today. I’m grateful, I’ve been holding for a couple of years and it feels as though it’s hardly moved compared to other tech companies.

Yesterday’s WWDC news struck me as the most un-apple thing I’ve ever seen. Bundling/integrating someone else’s product deep into the Apple ecosystem was weird.

I wonder if it’s just a stop-gap until they can develop their own LLM or AI systems?


Kinda discussed previously, Apple had been developing their own AI models - Apple - AAPL - Share Chat - #666 by woodyblade

In summary from the info so far, in a good number of cases Apple are using their own models either locally on the device or in Apples private cloud.
For the more complex queries it then goes off to ChatGPT, which is made very clear to the user and has to be confirmed.

It’s very privacy focused as you’d expect from Apple.

If you go to this video, about 10:30 Marques talks about the AI stuff there -

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Reminds me of integrating google maps / google search when they first introduced the iPhone so in some ways consistent with prior strategies from Apple.


That’s not an unreasonable point to be fair on Google Maps but Apple make a fortune from Google paying to be the default search engine on Apple mobile devices, it’s a big source of income… and a contentious one in the US courts.

I have just seen this article which might explain some of the rise…

My iPhone 12 Pro screen has a big non responsive strip on it and the battery is wearing out. I toyed with getting a 3rd party repair but then I figured I might as well buy a 2nd hand iPhone 14 and have a 100% genuine Apple screen.

Then the AI news came out and I thought “Actually I might as well get an iPhone 15 Pro for the AI stuff” and before you know it I’m on the upgrade supercycle train like a moron!


I could see AI following the same pattern. Companies paying OpenAI to be featured in conversations and then OpenAI paying Apple to be the default AI engine for iPhone.

Glad to have spent the extra to get the 15 Pro Max last year rather than the vanilla version.


Whenever I see celebrities on chat shows promoting their latest film/widget, I always wonder who is paying who. Are the celebrities paying for the chance to whore their wares or are the production team paying the celebrity to appear on their show?

You might be on to something!

I think its the latter. Celebrities are just far too important not to receive a payment just as Apple is to Google.

I work in radio and podcast and at least in that format the answer is generally neither. I’m not sure on TV.

As far as I know for film promo junkets etc they will generally be part of the actors contract for the film.

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I suggest you don’t buy a second-hand Apple product without the original receipt. Years ago, I bought a refurbished MacBook Pro, and it got locked in a way that could only be unlocked through Apple service. However, I needed the original receipt to prove it was mine (they don’t accept receipts from third parties). Conclusion: the only solution was to return it and get a refund, which I did.

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:innocent: :face_holding_back_tears:
Apple AI Intelligence

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even tho we had some sell off after FOMC Apple is like NAH!
new all time high! $219 :heart_eyes:

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You absolute clueless idiot…


Another question answered…

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