Concerned About Slow Addition of Stocks

Hey @champking, hope you’ve been enjoying your app so far!

Adding new stocks is one of our top priorities and we’ve been busy adding as many as we can, as soon as we can — taking into account and prioritising community requests where possible.

Last year, we added literally thousands of new stocks and ETFs, taking the no. in the universe to around 4,000:

Two week’s ago, we added a big batch of 120 US REITs, many of which are big names in the S&P 500:

And just last week, during the holidays in fact when most of the team were off and stock additions were technically difficult to deploy, we added a batch of SPACs as soon as they became available to use through our US partner:

We’re always reading requests from the community, and we appreciate it’s frustrating when we can’t add a stock you’re after as fast as we’d all like. Sometimes this can for technical reasons, e.g. natdec, or because the security isn’t available to us through our US partner.

But rest assured, we’re doing all we can and we aim to add thousands more this year, too!