Hi, I’ve inadvertently made a deposit to my Freetrade account from an account that isn’t linked. The funds have left my bank and I understand that Freetrade can’t accept them because they’re from the wrong bank account. How do I get my funds back and how do I contact Freetrade about this? It seems the Contact option in the app only accesses a knowledge base. Any help will be appreciated.
There should be an orange button marked “send us a message” beneath a row of avatars. Is that not showing?
Try emailing money@freetrade.io.
See the link below for more info:
There will probably be a delay of several days, as their customer service teams are currently overloaded, but don’t worry, you can be confident that the money will be returned.
Hi buts
Thanks for the response.
The orange button opens a dialogue that say’s we’re experiencing high volumes so please e-mail money@freetrade.io. I’ve done this but it says I’ll get a response in 2-3 days.
Maybe i’ll just have to wait?
Yes it’s best to wait whilst they redirect the funds back to your bank. This can take 3-5 days from the point they initiate the transfer.
I believe that it’s due to regulatory reasons that they can’t allow deposits from non-linked accounts